Volume 1, Article 3

European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, Volume 1, Article 3, 1-8

Integrating Positive Psychology and the Solution-Focused Approach with Cognitive-Behavioural Coaching: the Integrative Cognitive-Behavioural Coaching Model
Gisele Pereira Dias, Stephen Palmer and Antonio Egidio Nardi

Citation: Dias, G., Palmer, S., & Nardi, A. E. (2017). ‘Integrating Positive Psychology and the Solution-Focused Approach with Cognitive-Behavioural Coaching: the Integrative Cognitive-Behavioural Coaching Model.’ European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 1, 3, 1-8. Retrieved from: https://www.nationalwellbeingservice.org/volumes/volume-1-2017/volume-1-article-3/

Volume 1, Article 3

Published on 29 April, 2017

Dr Gisele Dias


Prof Stephen Palmer


Prof Antonio Egidio Nardi
